
Which way should I go? Why it's critical to set direction for your team

Which way should I go? Why it's critical to set direction for your team

Many leaders don’t take the time to set direction for their team. In this post, I share how teams are impacted when they lack direction and offer a few tips on how to get started.

And a little pitch for the new course - we’ve got all kinds of resources to make it easier to co-create an ambition with your team.

Renegotiating the 'Dream' - 3 steps to get back on track

Renegotiating the 'Dream' - 3 steps to get back on track

Significant life events can lead to a rediscovery of the original "‘Dream’ that we had long ago. The ‘Dream’ is the representation of the life we imagined we’d lead. Every now and then it’s time to take stock in how close you’ve come to the original vision. It may be time to renegotiate the Dream.